Membership is open to anyone who works all states on and during the net operation, and acquires a WAS certificate from the net secretary. Once you have the WAS certificate number (see Member Roster ), you can then apply for a membership certificate by sending $5 to KJ6MS (address on previous page). The cost includes printing, postage and the handling, as the certificate is mailed flat. Your membership is good for life, but membership is not required for full participation in the net, or to apply for most of the net awards.
Basic Rules for All Awards/Certificates/Endorsements from the Triple H Net
Application for any award/certificate should follow these guidelines: List all contacts along with callsign, date, time (UTC), and state (state capital, country, Canadian Province, YL name, etc., when and where applicable) on a sheet of paper with your call in the upper left corner, name and address in the upper right-hand corner, and the name of the award. States need to be in alphabetical order, and numbers (where applicable) in numerical order. Carefully observe start dates and QSL requirements where applicable (see Net Awards ). eQSLs, 2017 onwards, are now acceptable for any of the award requirements. Contacts for any award must be made during the official net operation and on the net frequency. No split frequency or cross-mode QSO's allowed. DO NOT SEND any QSL's to the secretary. Make copies of each application you submit. Sign your name attesting to the proper net QSO/QSL requirements on each separate application. Each award request is directed to the net secretary who handles all awards, & must also include $2 (two 'green stamps'). If you send a check, make it out to me, NOT the HHH Net! Endorsements for upgrading earlier obtained awards require only the applicable list and an SASE (no $2). All awards are sent flat, and original application(s) are returned with the award(s). Please allow one to two weeks for processing awards. Mail all applications (award certificates) or correspondence to KJ6MS (address on Home Page ). Do not send QSL cards! If required for a particular award, have them, but don't send them. PLEASE, please, put your address on ALL application(s) forms and/or letters. Even though not all of the forms are required you may acquire application forms here for any of the various awards, or from KJ6MS. All award applications put a heavy demand on time, so the use of the award application forms will speed up the overall process. Homemade applications are extremely hard to read or even understand, so you are, nevertheless, urged to use any of the necessary provided forms before you make any application to the net secretary. And, please always include your callsign with all correspondence to the Net Administrator.
The Earlybird Session of the Triple H Net
The 'Earlybird' session of the Triple H Net usually gathers before 0700 UT (the actual net starts around 0730 UT) on the frequency of 7190.0 kHz (plus or minus a few kHz's, depending on QRM). The Net Control Station of the net, the NCS, as well as his designated relay station(s) he chooses, will begin compiling the list of check-in's right at 0700 UT. A reminder, check-in's are taken over-the-air by call districts; please observe this procedure at all times: DX stations at any time. If your callsign has a "3", but you're in the 10th call district, check in with the 10th district! Always check in with your complete callsign and name to maintain an accurate and efficient list for the net control and NETLOGGER users. The 'Earlybird' session is held for the purpose of holding onto a net frequency (or finding one if necessary--alternates, if available, are 7180.0 or 7235.0 kHz), taking any early check-in's, passing along net information, addresses, net business, or checking propagation. As in all types of net operations, QRM and doubling can and does occur, so we do appreciate your cooperation in the following manner: DO NOT RELAY a station trying to get on the list, unless you are specifically asked by the NCS taking the list. We know many wish to help, and many will, but unless directed to do so, please let the list be taken by one station as much as possible. When you check in, give the requested information only once, and wait to be recognized each time check-in's are called for. You may not be picked up at first, as others are calling at the same time. BE patient, please, you will get on the list if you follow normal procedures. If you have a question (when there's a pause in the number of check-in's), just give your callsign to be recognized. Don't just start talking, as this creates confusion. All of the stations that run the net recognize that they, too, make mistakes, but as a net, we will make fewer mistakes and speed up the operation with your total cooperation. Even though the control station (NCS or designated relays) doesn't always have time to thank each one individually, your able assistance is always appreciated, especially when you patiently follow these procedures.
Last Updated: June 20, 2023 Mark A. Nodine, KJ6MS - HHH Net Co-Administrator