Press on the link (on the left) to the particular form you are requesting.
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Press on (SAMPLE) to see a real issued style filled out certificate.
1. WAS Worked All States (SAMPLE)
Remember that the WAS Application is used for a variety of possible awards;
YL, Mobile, State Capitals, Picture Postcard, and the Extra Class Callsign Award.
2. YL-25 Worked 25 YL's (SAMPLE) 3. M-25 Worked 25 Mobiles (SAMPLE) 4. SCA Worked State Capitals (SAMPLE) 5. DX-50 Worked 50 DX Countries (SAMPLE) 6. WPX-100 Worked 100 DX Prefixes (SAMPLE) 7. WASA Worked All South America (SAMPLE) 8. WACA Worked All Central America (SAMPLE) 9. TCA Worked Trans CAN-AM (SAMPLE) 10. ASC Alphabet Soup Certificate (SAMPLE) 11. 50 - 50 Worked 50 WAS Holders (SAMPLE) 12. PPC Picture Postcard Award (SAMPLE) 13. 1x2x1 Extra Class Callsign Award (SAMPLE) 14. CIA-15 Worked 15 Caribbean DXCC Islands (SAMPLE) 15. PIA-15 Worked 15 Pacific DXCC Islands (SAMPLE) 16. MA Monroe Award (SAMPLE) 17. APA Worked All Australian Prefixes (SAMPLE) 18. 5 & 10 Worked 5/10 Stations/State (SAMPLE) 19. 73 Worked 73 ARRL/RAC(CRRL) Sections (SAMPLE) 20. USPX Worked US Prefixes (SAMPLE) 21. WAC-7 Worked All 7 Continents (SAMPLE) 22. IOTA-100 Worked 100 Islands (SAMPLE) 23. QSO-1000 Worked 1000 Net QSO's (SAMPLE) 24. NAME-50 Worked 50 Names (SAMPLE) 25. QRP-10 Worked 10 QRP Stations (SAMPLE) 26. TRUCKER-10 Worked Truckers in 10 States (SAMPLE) 27. XYL/OM-10 Worked 10 XYL/OM Combo stations (SAMPLE) 28. CLUB-10 Worked 10 Club Stations (SAMPLE) 29. Veterans Award-10 Worked 10 Veterans (SAMPLE)
Historical Awards of Interest - Made by the hand of WB8SSR
2nd WAS Award Issued Old Blank Alphabet Soup Certificate Old Blank Trans-Can-Am Certificate Old Ham-of-the-Month Certificate
First Ham-of-the Year Award: Issued to WB8SSR by WB6FNI
Mounted on a Walnut Plaque
Other Certificates Available/Awarded
Lifetime Membership Certificate Ham-of-the-Month Certificate Ham-of-the Year Certificate/Walnut Plaque 50-300 - Master Achiever Award 50-500 - Senior Net Achiever Award DXCC
Last Updated: November 27, 2023: Mark A. Nodine, KJ6MS - HHH Net Co-Administrator
Net Awards - Award Applications - WAS Application