Award Applications

Worked All States

The initial application for WAS on the Net is traditionally done by working all 50 states in the fastest way; from your home QTH, and by exchanging standard QSL cards. "eQSL's" in your possession for contacts 2017 forward may also be included. The QSL cards must be in your possession before applying for the WAS Award and the Member Roster number that allows you to acquire the 50-50 award.

It must be understood that there are several ways to acquire the initial WAS Award, although slower and more difficult, these are seldom used.  You could work all 50 states via mobiles, YL's, state capitals, etc., but it would take a longer time.

Please remember that ALL Triple H Net QSO's count toward ALL awards, excepting the 50-50 Award. Read the following example, and you will see how one can be working on a large variety of awards from the very FIRST Net QSO.

As an example, your first NET QSO is with, let's say, a YL in St. Paul, Minnesota, on the Mississippi River island of Grey Cloud (yes, it really does exist)...and she is mobile, with the callsign of W0XX, and you are, in fact mobile yourself!  She is also running 10 watts QRP, with her OM, also a ham, in their interstate commercial truck, and the OM is running a Club station. QSL's obtained during the contact could count for 1 required contact toward all of the following possible awards.

1. WAS: The State of Minnesota QSO.
2. YL-25: 1st YL QSO.
3. M-25: 1st Mobile QSO.
4. M-WAS: State of Minnesota, mobile QSO.
5. M/M-WAS: State of Minnesota QSO, while you are mobile.
6. M/M-M/M-WAS: State of Minnesota; you and the other station are mobile.
7. SCA-25: 1st state capital QSO, St. Paul, Minnesota.
8. DX-50: 1st DXCC country, the United States of America.
9. WPX-100: 1st prefix, W0XX.
10. TCA: The state of Minnesota QSO required.
11. ASC-26: The double letter 'X' in W0XX.
12. PPC: If you exchange picture postcards, you have the Minnesota QSO.
13. 1-2-1: The state of Minnesota, extra-class callsign QSO.
14. MA: Only one needed QSO on a very long road for this award.
15. 5 & 10: 1st QSO toward the ten needed of Minnesota.
16. 73: 1st ARRL/CRRL section, Minnesota, QSO.
17. USPX: 1st domestic prefix, W0XX.
18. WAC-7: 1st continent, North America, QSO.
19. IOTA-100: 1st island QSO.
20. NAME-50: 1st name QSO
21. QRP-10: 1st QRP QSO
22. TRUCKER-10: 1st Trucker QSO
23. YL/OM-10: 1st XYL/OM Combo QSO (requires working OM)
24. CLUB-10: 1st Club Call QSO (Worked OM for above combo requirement)

Remember to review the Net start dates and QSL card requirements that are needed for most, but not all of the above awards, on page 2 of the Net Awards. And, although, the above scenario is possible, and certainly lengthy, most Net participants make  contacts for only a particular award at one time. Even after many years of active participation on the Triple H Net, few recognize that keeping very organized and accurate records will earn more awards in less time; it is a lot of paper work and record keeping, but nevertheless, well worth it to active 'paper chasers'.

Last Updated:  November 27, 2023:  Mark A. Nodine, KJ6MS - HHH Net Co-Administrator

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